Flou sentimental

It seems I’am falling since ever.

The night is drawing to a close. The dark orb fades, as if draped in the light of the new day. That’s when I plunge into the icy water. The descent is slow, I slip; and my senses are alternately silenced by the howling.

Then there’s a dull sound. I feel the wave pierce my raw organs and die in the depths of my cells. I’m now naked. Stripped of my earthly body, I let myself be invaded by limbo particles.

I no longer sink. I’ve hit rock bottom. Black.

In the distance, I perceive an artifact, like retinal persistence. Is it an invitation?

Poem “J’ai touché le fond“, published on my diary.

Flou sentimental is a collection of photos and poems that are about me, but could also be about you. They describe a world driven by poetry, that useful drug when time needs to take its time.

In them, I reveal myself, naked, and invite you to travel through these fragments of a life we’d like to spend spreading love.

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